A complete system delivering market-leading efficiency

The Lowara Smart Pump range incorporates state-of-the-art technology to optimize performance, communicate with other building systems and help you achieve your goals. Choose pre-programmed packages for easy, cost-effective installation — and benefit from this system’s power, intelligence and performance.

Power: Best-in-class IE5 motor

Technical Specification IEC/TS 60034-30-2 introduces “ultra-premium” IE5 efficiency performance. It’s the top efficiency level for motors designed to not operate directly on-line. Each Lowara Smart Pump is equipped with a permanent magnet motor that meets this IE5 standard, providing efficiency well above a standard IE3 asynchronous motor.

Intelligence: Embedded motor drive

The smart, easy-to-set integrated drive can operate single, twin or multipump systems of up to three pumps, with no need for an external control panel or PLC. The drive matches performance to demand, reducing energy use. And it allows smart pumps to communicate with other building systems in real time, maximizing efficiency.